Saturday, August 31, 2013

Acient Greeks Vocab

Agora: Literally means "gathering place." It was the center of Ancient Greek city-states. This was where all of the politics, athletics, religious, and art stuff took place.
Arete: Means "excellence"
Polis: This was an ancient Greek city-state.
The Year of 508 BC: I am not sure exactly what happened in 508BC, but I think that there was a war with Rome.
Socrates: Was a philosopher from Athens. He lived from 469-399BC.
The Death of Socrates: Its an oil painting that's on a canvas that a French painter named Jacques-Louis Davis. It is a painting of the "execution of Socrates."
The Socratic Method: Method that Socrates came up with
Idiot: "Person lacking professional skill."

(I got my information from: )

Friday, August 30, 2013

Goals for High School This Year

Goals for this year:
1. Get involved with extracurricular activities and clubs
2. Stay focused and organized in school
3. Make sure to complete homework and study
4. Meet new people and try new things
5. Stay true to who I am

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Getting Everyone Caught Up

Today in human geo, we got everyone caught up to date. A lot of us forgot to put a subject in our email, so our work got sent to the trash. After we caught everyone up, we designed our blogs. I added a cool background to my blog, to make it look nicer. I also added an important link to my blog page. It took me a little while to figure out how to do that, but I eventually got it. I think that having this blog will be a very helpful tool to have.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day!

Today was my first official day of high school. I wasn’t very nervous because I know a lot of the freshman, as well as some upperclassmen. I wasn’t able to open my locker at first, so I needed to have a couple of people help me. Other than that, I didn’t really have any other problems. The school isn’t very confusing, so I was able to figure out where I was going pretty easily. I think that I was most excited to see all of my friends again, and to finally start high school. I love how we get so much more freedom here than we did when we were in middle school. The laptops are really cool to be able to use all day. I feel so much more organized with them. The one thing that I am a little bit nervous for is how much homework we are going to get. The teachers here seem really nice, so I think that I will enjoy all of my classes. I am really looking forward to my next four years here!