Saturday, August 31, 2013

Acient Greeks Vocab

Agora: Literally means "gathering place." It was the center of Ancient Greek city-states. This was where all of the politics, athletics, religious, and art stuff took place.
Arete: Means "excellence"
Polis: This was an ancient Greek city-state.
The Year of 508 BC: I am not sure exactly what happened in 508BC, but I think that there was a war with Rome.
Socrates: Was a philosopher from Athens. He lived from 469-399BC.
The Death of Socrates: Its an oil painting that's on a canvas that a French painter named Jacques-Louis Davis. It is a painting of the "execution of Socrates."
The Socratic Method: Method that Socrates came up with
Idiot: "Person lacking professional skill."

(I got my information from: )

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