Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day!

Today was my first official day of high school. I wasn’t very nervous because I know a lot of the freshman, as well as some upperclassmen. I wasn’t able to open my locker at first, so I needed to have a couple of people help me. Other than that, I didn’t really have any other problems. The school isn’t very confusing, so I was able to figure out where I was going pretty easily. I think that I was most excited to see all of my friends again, and to finally start high school. I love how we get so much more freedom here than we did when we were in middle school. The laptops are really cool to be able to use all day. I feel so much more organized with them. The one thing that I am a little bit nervous for is how much homework we are going to get. The teachers here seem really nice, so I think that I will enjoy all of my classes. I am really looking forward to my next four years here!

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