Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Greeks, Democracy, and going over vocab words

-Greeks invented:
  1. Democracy
  2. Theatre
  3. Came up with "big questions"

-Talked abut if our country is a true democracy:
 1. No; we are a republic
 2. Pledge of Allegiance "And to the REPUBLIC..."

 1. Leader in Syria is using chemicals to kill their own people
 2. Obama is asking congress to vote on what to do about it

-Went over vocab
 1. Arete: "excellence"
 2. Polis: City-states (ex: Athens and Sparta) They didn't consider themselves all Greeks. They considered themselves whatever their city-state was.
 3. Agora: Place where people met
 4.The Year of 508BC: Year they overthrew their government***
 5. Socrates: Questioned everything and always asked "why"

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