Friday, December 13, 2013

Exams Next Week!

Today in Human Geo we got a study guide for our exam. I think that this exam is going to go pretty well. I am just going to study all of my old tests and quizzes. Yesterday I said that I didn’t understand what the essay was going to be about. But now I am starting to understand what it is about. It is basically a storyline on what we learned about this entire year. I think that I sort of know what I am going to write about for my first paragraph. The first paragraph is supposed to be about “excellence.” I am going to talk about how we were supposed to strive to be excellent this school year. Mr. Schick said that this test is all on scantron. I am glad because I would be scared that if we used the laptops that something would happen. This weekend I am going to continue studying for exams.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Reviewing for Finals

Today in Human Geo, we went over what was going to be on the final exam. I am going to have to study a lot this weekend for this test because there is a lot of information in this class. I have to goal the way back to when we talked about Shift Happens and the Nike video. There is a lot that we covered this year. I am most nervous for the final essay. I am just confused on what the essay is on. Someone asked what it was on and Mr. Schick said “excellence.” I guess that that goes back to when we talked about Socrates. I’m not sure though. I am glad that the exams are before break. I am happy that we can just get it over with instead of having to study for it over break. I have to study a lot this weekend for all of my exams.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Quiz Back and Nelson

Today in Human Geo, we got our quizzes back. Since we came into school two hours late, we had a very short class. I was very happy because I got to sleep in. I was also very happy because I got a 100% on my quiz. We went over all of the answers of the quiz. I hope that for the Human Geo Final we get a study guide. I think that I am just going to study the old tests and quizzes. I want to get a study guide because I like to know exactly what we have to study. After we went over the quiz answers, we talked about the man that died over the week. I’m not sure what his full name was, but his last name was Nelson. Mr. Schick went taught us about him. I think that what he did was very inspirational.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Test

Today in human geo we took our microfinance test. I think that the test overall was pretty easy. Some of the questions took me a little while to figure out. I think that some of the answers were funny. I hope that I do well on this test. Mr. Schick is going to grade the quizzes now. He made a shadow take the test also. I studied last night for the test and I also studied before class. I think that it was hard to try to remember all of the numbers. When we took the test though, we only needed to know about two of the numbers. I am glad that we didn’t need to know all of the numbers. If we did then I think I would have gotten confused. I am doing my blog in class right now because we are waiting for Mr. Schick to grade our tests.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Microfinance PowerPoint

Microfinance: a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services
Microloan: a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking services.
Kiva gives microloans. Have lent $500,000 in the past month.There current repayment rate for all its partners is 99.01%
Who receives microloans?
 -Microentrepreneurs who are trying to start a small business
 -Villageres needing to fund a clinic hospital or other health care facilities
 -Teachers who want to start a school
 -Student who want a further education
Problems with microloans:
 -high interest rates (sometimes 23%)
 -cost of providing banking services to those living in poverty is high
 Microloans are a help, not a Cure
 -Banking services usually aren't available to people
 -its not just loans, but also insurance
 -many challenges
 -some can be alleviated through microloans
 -Mosquito-borne infectious disease
 -Means "bad air"
 -Comes from female mosquitos
 -Kills around 665,000 people a year in sub-Saharan Africa
 -Mosquito nets can help (Bill Gates and wife)
 - generous donation of money to good causes, and Bill and Melinda Gates are the second greatest philanthropists in history ($28 billion, 1/3 of their wealth)
 -they support research and development for a vaccine, diagnostics, and mosguito-control measures- like mosquito nets

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Questions for Microfinance Test

:3Test Questions for Human Geo    
 Steven Kucther, Hailey Ishak, Ellie Gottschalk, Stephanie Imbierowicz, Carly Schofield.

1. who is microfinance used for ? - it is used for people to start up a business or to keep a business going or just to help people who need a small loan.
2. what is a common use for a micro loan? - starting up new businesses, products, clinics, machinery, furniture, and schools  
3.What is a microloan? Loans people money to help them get a kick start in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town
4.what is mocrofinance? A general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or those who do not have access to typical banking services.
5. Who has the most supply of mosquitoes nets? Bill and Melinda Gates
6.what is the difference between developing countries and developed countries?- developing usually have lower levels of affluence and higher levels of unemployment, developed countries have the
7. what is malaria?  - malaria is a wide spreading disease that is transmitted by getting from a mosquitos
8.why do poor people pay more for loans? -micro lenders don’t get paid as much so poor people have to pay higher loans
9. What is a microlender? An organization that makes business loans to individuals who arent able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.
10.In developing countries the majority of the population is? Poor
11. How is giving Microloans better than just regular donations to charity? This way you're not just giving them many for no reason but you're giving them a kick start to make a successful business and in the end it’s their responsibility to pay you back for your help.
12.give 3 problems in developing countries that can be solved by microloans: malaria, drought, clean water

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Microfinance: is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who don’t have access to typical banking service

Microloans: loans people money to help them get a kick start in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town

-          Microloans also helps investments in infrastructure, education, and legal reforms

Gives people who don’t have money a loan so they can start a business

Help small business startup and stay running

Opportunity for the less fortunate people to have stuff they usually couldn’t afford

Allows poor people to build their assets

In many developing countries, most people are poor

Problems in developing countries that can be helped by microfinance: malaria, drought, and clean water

Bill Gates gives the most amount of charity in the world. Send out mosquito nets

Microlender: an organization that makes business loans to individuals who aren’t able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. Usually charge higher- than- average interest rates.

Disease, electricity, drought, etc. problems with developing countries

Microloan: person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back

Common uses for microloans: starting up new businesses, products for business, equipment, furniture, money, electricity, technology, roads, etc.