Friday, December 13, 2013

Exams Next Week!

Today in Human Geo we got a study guide for our exam. I think that this exam is going to go pretty well. I am just going to study all of my old tests and quizzes. Yesterday I said that I didn’t understand what the essay was going to be about. But now I am starting to understand what it is about. It is basically a storyline on what we learned about this entire year. I think that I sort of know what I am going to write about for my first paragraph. The first paragraph is supposed to be about “excellence.” I am going to talk about how we were supposed to strive to be excellent this school year. Mr. Schick said that this test is all on scantron. I am glad because I would be scared that if we used the laptops that something would happen. This weekend I am going to continue studying for exams.

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