Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel Video

Jared Diamond:
  • spent 30yrs studying
  • Papua New Gatineau
  • Likes studying birds
  • "Why you white men have so much cargo and we Mew Guineans have none?"
  • Biologist and Professor at UCLA
  • Cargo was evidence of white man's power
  • white men saw themselves genetically superior
  • All great civilizations have had; advanced technology, large populations, and well organized work force
Sago tree:
  • lot of food in there
  • make into dough
  • not nutritious
  • eat quickly, cause it goes bad
  • only 70lbs of food
Middle Ages:
  • Barley and wheat
  • Drah:
  • think is one of the first permanent villages in the world
  • 11 1/2 thousand years ago
  • Granary first place to store food
  • Domestication: process by which humans pick the best of the crops and keep growing them.

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