Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Urban Geography

Today was our first Human Geo class since we got back from break. We started a new lesson called "Urban Geography." Here are some of the notes that we took...

City: a conglomeration of people and building clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics.
Urban: buildup of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city.
*Just in the last couple of years, there are more (3.5 million) people living in the cities then rural areas.

The modern process of urbanization: a rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world

Shenzhen, China: huge skyscrapers. 25 years ago all of the land was duck ponds and rice paddies.

The First Urban Revelation:
Before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages: a relatively small, egalitarian village, where most of the population was involved in agriculture. About 10,000 years ago, people began living in agricultural village.

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