Friday, January 17, 2014

Our Very Last Human Geo Class

Today in human geo was our final class. I am glad that I have Mr. Schick next semester because I like this class. Even though some people are leaving, we have a really good class still. I think that the last test that we took wasn't too hard. The very first questions were the hardest for me. I knew the order of the civilizations, but I just didn't know the details about it. I think that I did pretty good on this test.  I hope that I did well. Mr. Schick is grading our tests now. I am excited to start next semester. I wonder what Western Civilization is going to be about. I think it has to do with civilization starting in the west. I am excited to start learning about it. I think its crazy that we have already been through one semester of school. I feel like it has gone by so fast! Overall, I really liked the blogs. I think that we should have them everyday because they help me to remember my notes and to study. Although, I do not think that they should have to be 150 words. Some days, I don't have a lot to write about because I took a test. Its hard to write 150 words about a test. I really liked the PowerPoints and Google Drive. They were a lot of fun! I liked doing Scranton because he told us our grades right away. I can't think of anything major that I didn't like. I had a lot of fun in this class!

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