Friday, November 22, 2013

Microfinance facts

Today in Human Geo, Mr. Schick wasn't here so we played the microfinance computer game. Here are some fun facts that I learned while playing the game...

Between 350 million and 500 million people contract malaria each year, and more than a million people a year die of the disease.

More than two-fifths of the people in the world live in areas where malaria is transmitted, including Africa, Asia, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and islands in the Pacific.

You can reduce the occurrence of malaria by managing water resources, an example is by preventing water from accumulating in communities.

In every region of the world, there are primary school-aged girls who do not attend.

Peace Corps Volunteers work with their community to develop projects that involve trees. Volunteers work o production of fruit trees, natural fences for wind protection, and raising trees in small nurseries.

Trees play a critical role in our environment. They help to protect soil, coastal areas, and can prevent desertification, which is the expansion of deserts from practices such as over-grazing land, and collecting firewood.

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