Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Taking the World Leaders Test

Today in Human Geo, I took a test on world leaders. I think that I did pretty well. I know that I took really good notes because I wrote almost all of the notes from the PowerPoint. I also had a map in my blog so I knew where all of the countries were. At first though, I just wrote what the country was, but then I realized that wasn't the directions. What I was supposed to write was who the leaders of the countries were. I got a little bit confused by who were the two leaders who had high economic backgrounds. I know that Dilma was one of the answers, but I am not sure who the other person was. I also got a little bit confused by who were the three people who revolted against their leaders. I think that I only got one or two or the three correct. Overall, I think that I did very well on the test. 

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