Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reatake Quiz

Today in Human Geo, the class retook a quiz. Apparently, most of us didn't do very good on the last test. I got an 83% the first time I took it. I was okay with this score, but I hope to do better on this one. Mr. Schick just left the classroom to grade our quizzes. I am so glad that he is doing that. I really hope to do better this time, then the last time. I made sure to know what NATO and NAFTA were. Once again, I got a little bit confused on the religion matching. I feel more confident this time though. I hope to et a 90% or above for my quiz. Mr. Schick let me and Ellie move our seats to the back of the classroom. It took a little bit of persuading, but eventually he let us move. I was very happy that he let us move because I didn't like my seat, in the front of the classroom.

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