Friday, September 27, 2013


Today in Human Geo, Jevan taught the class. We went over the answers to the CIA Scavenger Hunt. I had most of the answers right, but some I had incorrect.  We talked about what GDP is. GDP is gross domestic product or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year (amount of money the entire country gets in a year). America’s GDP is $50,000. The country with the highest GDP per capita was Qatar. Their GDP is $100,000! I thought that this is crazy. Qatar is a very small country in the Middle East. We also talked about Syria. The leader in Syria is killing men, women, and children. I think that this is so sad and unfortunate. A lot of Syrians are trying to get out of Syria. They are all going to Turkey, because it is the closest place. Syrians are leaving Syria on a push force.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

CIA Scavenger Hunt


  1. What is the population of the United States?                    
  2. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?                              
     China, India, United  States, Indonesia, and Brazil
  3. What is the population of Pakistan?                                                      
  4. What kind of government does the United States have?                         
     Constitutional-based Federal republic; strong democratic tradition  
  5. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?                                                      
  6. What is the largest country in the world by area?                                                      
  7. What country has the third greatest number of airports?
  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?
  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
          Saudi Arabia
  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
          United States
  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?
  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?
13. What is GDP?                                                                                                                          
Gross domestic product or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year (Amount the entire money gets in a year)
  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
            Qatar and $100,000
  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent
  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent?    
  1. What other country is in the top ten?
  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths                                                          
    Ranked 18th
  2. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
            No it is ranked number 3
  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
            23.9%  is Roman Catholic
  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
            82.7% is Roman Catholic
  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
            An excess of persons entering and leaving a country in a year
  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
            No it is ranked 29th
  1. According to the FactBook, what is the current population of the entire planet?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Population and Migration

Today in Human Geo we started a new unit which is about Population and Migration. In class today, we talked about the world population and the people in it. There are over 7 billion people on the planet right now. One thing that we talked about in class today was, about life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average age that a group of people is supposed to live for. In America, the life expectancy for men is 76.05 and for women its 81.05 years old. The reason for this is because women take care of themselves more than men do. We also talked about people in the billions. It took 10,000+ years to reach 1 billion people on the world. Now, it takes about 12 years for another billion of people to be on the planet. Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1000 of the population and crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population. The rate of natural increase is produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate, then dividing by 10. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving the country during a year. There are push and pull forces for leaving a country. Some push forces are, civil war, unemployment, and religious persecution. Some pull forces are better economy and health and religious and political freedom. Finally, total fertility rate is the average number of child born per women (2.1).

Friday, September 20, 2013


Today we took our first Human Geo test today. Think that I did pretty well. The fill in the blank questions were easier than the essay questions. Although, I wasn't sure if Wikipedia should be used as a primary resource. I think it is, but then again I am not sure if it is considered a “primary resource.” I am hope that I wrote enough for my essays. I wrote everything that I could possibly think of for my essays. For me, the second essay was the hardest. I was really stumped on what the three key elements of infrastructure are. Although, I do think that I did pretty well on the others. The essays were worth a lot of points, so that is why I am nervous if I did well enough on them. I feel the most confident with my first and last answer. I feel like I gave lots of detail and I really explained myself. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Globalization and Review

Today in Human Geo we did a couple of things. First, we shared our presentations on globalization. I liked listening to everyone's presentation because it helped me learn more about globalization. I think that I learn a lot when I listen to what other students have to say. I think this because I can compare my thoughts on something, to what they thought. My group presented our PowerPoint as well. I think that we did a very nice job. We also reviewed for the test tomorrow. I am going to study all of the notes that I have taken in class, for the test. I will also really think about what I am going to say for the essay questions. The essays are worth 20-30 points each, so they are worth a lot! I liked how we reviewed the notes because I know what I should study now. I am going to study a lot tonight for the Human Geo test. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More about Behind the Swoosh

    Today in Human Geo we talked more about the video Behind the Swoosh. We talked about how when people found out about what Nike did to their workers, how their sales went down. I think that it was a very good thing that their sales went down. I think this because it is cruel how they treated their workers. All Nike did was raise the wages to $3.70 when the law was $4 a day. The government intimidated the people to agree to that. Even $4 a day is certainly not enough to have human dignity. They can barely eat 3 meals! The way that they treat their people is certainly not ever going to make that country successful. I think that this is very unfair and it should be changed. I just don’t know how we can change that. I hope that maybe America will be able to help those poor people in Indonesia.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Behind the Swoosh"

Behind the Swoosh:
1. Jim Keady:
  a. Co-director and Founder Educating for Justice
  b. Refuses to wear Nike because of how badly the Nike workers are being treated
  c. Soccer player, coach, studies theology
  d. He was asked to wear Nike and advertise for them, but he said no because of how badly people were treated in Indonesia Nike sweatshops
3. Went to Indonesia and tried to live how those people did
  a. Went with Leslie Kretzu (co-founder)
4. Nike Workers
   a. Live in 9 by 9 sized house that are hot, have thin mattresses, and rats walk around in them
   b. Make $1.25 a day
   c. Nike dumps trash that pollutes toxic gases
7. Tried to talk to Phil Knight CEO of Nike but he refused to discuss it with him

8. One Nike worker named Julianto was threatened to be put to death by Nike because he protested 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Globalization Project

   On Friday, we started our globalization projects. Originally, we were going to have to work individually and write a paper, but we had a different idea. We all decided that we wanted to work in groups and do a PowerPoint presentation. I liked this idea a lot better. I am in a group with Carly, Stephanie, and Ellie. So far we have about 6 slides for our slideshow done.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today in Human Geo we talked about who Sol was. Sol was a man who persecuted Christians. One day, he was riding on his horse and was knocked to the ground and blinded. God kept asking Sol why he was killing Him and his people. He was blind for three days and then regained his sight. After that, he started building Churches and spreading the Word of God. His name was changed to Paul.
    *He was one of the five most influential people in the world

Maasai Tribesman
 1. "Infrastructure"
 2. Had a cell phone in Kenya
3. In order to have a cell phone, you need to have cell service, money, someone else to talk to, and electricity
 4. Ability to ship things is part of infrastructure
 3. Globalization in one building is the United Nations, located in New York, New York

***Movie making is biggest money making thing in USA***

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 and Globaliztion

   Today in Human Geo we talked about 9/11. We talked about what happened in our lives on that day. Most of us were only 2 years old so don't really remember it. I asked my mom, and she told me that she was taking me to my very first dance class when 9/11 was going on. Our teacher said that our school was having the opening school mass when they all found out the news.
   We also talked about globalization. America is one of the best countries that gets all of their business's to be global. McDonald's is in Japan, and it is changing the economy and way of life for a lot of people. In Japan, families usually have a sit down formal dinner together. But now with McDonald's and other fast food places are there, it is changing that. Also, all of the fast-food restaurants are making Japan's people less healthy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Google Drive

  Today in class, we all made a Google Drive Account. This allows you to work on a document with people even when you are not with them. Carly, Ellie, Stephanie, Jasmine, and I all worked on a document together. We came up with 10 questions and answers about Socrates, which could be on a test. It wasn't very hard having to come up with 10 questions, because we all had really good notes. I think that it was very cool how we can do this. Being able to all work on a document when we aren't together is going to be so helpful! Now we don’t have to all find a time and place that we can get together and work on a project. Instead, all we have to do is sign into Google Drive, have a group set up, and work on the project. This is going to save so much time and be a lot more productive. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Carly as Teacher

   Today, Carly taught the class. We went over facts that caught our attention during the YouTube video. I thought that it was interesting to hear what the class thought about it. A lot of us thought that the some of the same facts were interesting. Some of the questions that people thought were interesting were the ones about China. It is crazy that China is soon going to me the number one English speaking language. I think we all agreed that America should me the number one English speaking language. Also, we thought that it was crazy that even if America shipped all of their jobs to China, there would still be tons and tons of people who still needed jobs. These two facts really show how many people are actually living in China. I like how we have group discussions in the class. I think that it is a good way for us all to interact with each other.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Shift Happens

Today we watched a video on Youtube. Here are three facts that really stood out to me...

1. By the time that the average person is 38 years old, they will have about 10-14 jobs.
I found this fact very strange. I always thought that people go to college, and then get a job. I never thought that anyone could go through so many jobs in such a small amount of time.

2. In 2010, the job that was in the highest demand didn't even exist in 2004.
This fact caught my eye. I think that I found this fact so interesting was because it made me wonder what type of jobs there will be when I'm looking for one.

3. People are being prepared for jobs that haven't even been invented yet.
 I think that that is so crazy. I don't understand how someone could learn how to do a job that might not even or ever be invented.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our talk about Socrates

 Today, Steven taught the class. We had a class discussion about Socrates. Socrates was put on trial because the government said that he was corrupting the youth of Athens and disrespecting the gods. When Socrates went to trail, he didn't even try to apologize for his actions, even though his life was on the line. He stood up for himself, and said that he should be treated out to dinner every night. He said that Athens was like a lazy horse and he was the fly. The things that Socrates said while he was on trial made people very mad. In the end, he was found guilty. Some of his friends talked to a guard that agreed to let Socrates escape. Socrates didn't want to try to escape Athens. He said that he loved Athens and didn't want to go against their laws. He drank the poison and died a heroic death.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Greeks, Democracy, and going over vocab words

-Greeks invented:
  1. Democracy
  2. Theatre
  3. Came up with "big questions"

-Talked abut if our country is a true democracy:
 1. No; we are a republic
 2. Pledge of Allegiance "And to the REPUBLIC..."

 1. Leader in Syria is using chemicals to kill their own people
 2. Obama is asking congress to vote on what to do about it

-Went over vocab
 1. Arete: "excellence"
 2. Polis: City-states (ex: Athens and Sparta) They didn't consider themselves all Greeks. They considered themselves whatever their city-state was.
 3. Agora: Place where people met
 4.The Year of 508BC: Year they overthrew their government***
 5. Socrates: Questioned everything and always asked "why"