Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Google Drive

  Today in class, we all made a Google Drive Account. This allows you to work on a document with people even when you are not with them. Carly, Ellie, Stephanie, Jasmine, and I all worked on a document together. We came up with 10 questions and answers about Socrates, which could be on a test. It wasn't very hard having to come up with 10 questions, because we all had really good notes. I think that it was very cool how we can do this. Being able to all work on a document when we aren't together is going to be so helpful! Now we don’t have to all find a time and place that we can get together and work on a project. Instead, all we have to do is sign into Google Drive, have a group set up, and work on the project. This is going to save so much time and be a lot more productive. 

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