Thursday, September 19, 2013

Globalization and Review

Today in Human Geo we did a couple of things. First, we shared our presentations on globalization. I liked listening to everyone's presentation because it helped me learn more about globalization. I think that I learn a lot when I listen to what other students have to say. I think this because I can compare my thoughts on something, to what they thought. My group presented our PowerPoint as well. I think that we did a very nice job. We also reviewed for the test tomorrow. I am going to study all of the notes that I have taken in class, for the test. I will also really think about what I am going to say for the essay questions. The essays are worth 20-30 points each, so they are worth a lot! I liked how we reviewed the notes because I know what I should study now. I am going to study a lot tonight for the Human Geo test. 

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