Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Population and Migration

Today in Human Geo we started a new unit which is about Population and Migration. In class today, we talked about the world population and the people in it. There are over 7 billion people on the planet right now. One thing that we talked about in class today was, about life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average age that a group of people is supposed to live for. In America, the life expectancy for men is 76.05 and for women its 81.05 years old. The reason for this is because women take care of themselves more than men do. We also talked about people in the billions. It took 10,000+ years to reach 1 billion people on the world. Now, it takes about 12 years for another billion of people to be on the planet. Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1000 of the population and crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population. The rate of natural increase is produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate, then dividing by 10. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving the country during a year. There are push and pull forces for leaving a country. Some push forces are, civil war, unemployment, and religious persecution. Some pull forces are better economy and health and religious and political freedom. Finally, total fertility rate is the average number of child born per women (2.1).

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