Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our talk about Socrates

 Today, Steven taught the class. We had a class discussion about Socrates. Socrates was put on trial because the government said that he was corrupting the youth of Athens and disrespecting the gods. When Socrates went to trail, he didn't even try to apologize for his actions, even though his life was on the line. He stood up for himself, and said that he should be treated out to dinner every night. He said that Athens was like a lazy horse and he was the fly. The things that Socrates said while he was on trial made people very mad. In the end, he was found guilty. Some of his friends talked to a guard that agreed to let Socrates escape. Socrates didn't want to try to escape Athens. He said that he loved Athens and didn't want to go against their laws. He drank the poison and died a heroic death.

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