Thursday, October 31, 2013

More PowerPoint Notes

  • Over 1 million Buddhist in the USA
  • Practice their religion in a synagogue
  • "Bimah" is where they read the Torah
  • Synagogues face towards Jerusalem
  • Abrahamic religion
  • Leaders are Abraham and Isaac
  • 81% live in USA and Israel
  • 13 million in the world
  • 1 billion Hindus (14%)
  • Worship: in a home, a temple, or road/street shine
  • Formed in 2000 BC
  • Founded in India
  • Polytheistic (many gods)
-2.2 billion
- Abrahamic origin
- 1.5 billion (second largest)
- In Middle East
- Sunnis (75-90%) and Shiites (10-20%)
- Founder is Muhammad (570-632)
- Holy Book is Qur'an
-Five Pillars
-1.1 Billion (third largest)
- Hindus
- Holy book is called the Vedas
- No distinct founder
- 500 million- 1.5 billion
- Buddhists
- Siddhartha Gautama

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Notes on Religions

-          Islam is a monotheistic which is belief in a god or gods
-          Abrahamic religion
-          Qur’an is their Bible
-          Called Muslims
-          Most are located in the Middle East
-          Don’t eat pork
-          Belief is that God is the one, and they need to love and serve him
-          Believed that Islam is the universal version of faith was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, and Moses
-          Think Jesus is just a prophet
-       Allah: the one and only god who should be worship and obeyed
-          Supposed to be perfect
-          No one shares divinity with Allah
-          Never sleeps
-          Humans aren’t created in Allah’s image

-          Can ask Allah for anything
       5 Pillars 
       Every male Muslim is supposed to go to Mecca once in their lifetime
 j     Hajj means pilgrimage, which is the process of becoming Islamic
       They sacrifice a sheep and share it and then cut off their hair 
J      Different groups of Christianity (ex: Baptist, Protestant, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, etc.)
j       50.1% of Christians are Catholic 
        2.8 billion Christians in the world (Third of the worlds population)
d      Believe Jesus is the Son of God and he is fully human and fully divine 
        Emerged in the Levant in the mid 1st century 
         Is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 
fj      6% of the worlds population
        Most Asian countries practice this religion


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Going over our Quizes

   Today in Human Geo we got our quizzes back. Originally I got an 80, but since I read his blog I got a 90. I was very happy with this grade. We are having another quiz on Friday, so I wrote down the correct answers for the quiz. I also wrote down what the abbreviated words stood for. I think that this will be very helpful for quizzes and tests in the future. After we went over the quizzes, we continued to work on our PowerPoint presentations. I think that the teacher wanted us to present our projects today, but no one knew that they were supposed to be presented today. Tomorrow we are going to present our projects. My group is Kylie, Jessica, and me. I think that we are going to do very well. We have about 6 slides. Some of the slides have pictures on them. I am looking forward to hearing about everyone’s projects tomorrow.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"One Lap Down Three to Go"

On Friday, we finished the first quarter of the school year. I can’t believe that we have already been through a quarter of the school year. I have already met so many nice students and teachers. I love going to John Carroll events like sporting events and the dances. I am so glad that I decided to go here because I love this school so much. During the first quarter we have learned so much in Human Geo. I really like this class a lot. We took a test on Friday, and I think that I did pretty well on it. The only thing was that I got confused with all of the questions that had to do with religion and all of those abbreviated words. Also Mr. Schick said that anyone who read his blog should say, “One lap down three to go.”

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jasmine as Teacher

Today, Jasmine taught the class. We went over important notes that will be on the quiz tomorrow. Some important points are about cultural geography. Cultural geography are parts of a groups everyday life. The ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members. These same characteristics can link or divide a region. Some examples of cultural geography are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. Brazil is the only South American nation which doesn't speak Spanish.t speaks Portuguese. The five major religions of the world are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
   We also watched a scene from a movie. When a anchor man was asked what makes America the best country he had a very interesting question. Instead of just saying that American is the best, he said that America isn't the best. He stated that America was once the best, but isn't anymore. I think that that was a very interesting point that he made.
   I liked having Jasmine as a teacher. She was able to get the class involved. She was also able to keep the conversation to keep going and to not stop. I think that she was the best teacher that we have had so far!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Notes from Yesterday

1.       People call soda different things

a.       Pop

b.      Coke

c.       Soda

d.      Other (fizzy)

2.       Cultural Geography:

a.       Parts of a group’s everyday life

b.      The ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members

c.       These same characteristics can also link or divide a region

3.       Examples of cultural characteristics

a.       Language

b.      Religion

c.       Ethnic heritage

4.       Language:

a.       Arabic unites the Arab world Spanish unites the Hispanic world

b.      Brazil is the only South American nation which doesn’t speak Spanish. It speaks Portuguese

c.       Canada is a bilingual nation. French and English are its official language

d.      Switzerland has multiplies language. It isn’t a problem though

e.      English is considered the world language and is used for most business transactions around the world

5.       Ethnic Heritage:

a.       In Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country (Serbs, Croots, Bosnians, Albanians)

b.      When strong leadership died out, the different groups fought a very bloody civil war and now they all have separate countries

c.       Tutis and Hutus, whichever was more dominate fought

d.      US and Switzerland are peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in their countries

e.      Korea and Japan have primarily one ethnic group

6.       Religion:

a.       Can be both a unifying and disunifying force

b.      5 major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

c.       Jews are considered to be son’s of Abraham (descendants of Abraham)

d.      Shiites and Sunni: fight each other about Muhammad

e.      Have 1 million of 100 million followers all believing the same things

f.        Can be a dividing force around the world   

More Notes

1.       Conflicts in Northern Ireland happened between Catholics and Protestants (2 forms of Christianity)

2.       Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem is their holy land

a.       Makes them constantly fight

3.       Spatial Divisions: how we divide the livable space found on the earth by establishing social, economic, an political control

a.       Can be a member of more than on spatial groups

b.      Divisions

1.       Countries

2.       Economic alliances

-          EU (European Union)

-          OPEC (Org. of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

3.       North America Free Trade Agreement

4.       Assoc. of SE Asian Nations

5.       Political Alliances

-          North Atlantic Treaty Org. (NATO)

-          Commonwealth of Nations

-          Org. of America States (OAS)

-          League of Arab States

-          African Union

6.       Reasons for spatial Division

-          Differences in culture, language, or religion

-          Keeping historical boundaries

-          Imperial conquest and control

-          Economic similarities and differences

-          Cultural differences (language and religion)

7.       Nationalism (the belief that your nation is superior to all others)

8.       Economic differences: Fertile land, access to fresh water, access to the coast, fishing rights, natural resources, different economic philosophies


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where's the Teacher?

On Friday, our teacher wasn’t there. We were all very confused because for about the first twenty minutes of class we didn’t have a teacher. We didn’t know if we should leave the classroom, because someone said that if a teacher doesn’t come to the class within the first fifteen minutes then you can leave. Eventually, two girls went to go get a teacher. Mr. Miller came into the classroom and gave us a really hard test. I didn’t finish mine. I knew some of the answers that were about push and pull forces and RNI. Other than that I didn’t know much. I didn’t understand what the test was for. I am pretty sure that it was to see how much we know. I’m glad that it isn’t graded because I was really confused. I think that on Monday, our teacher will explain to us what that test was all about.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Population Quiz Talk

Today in Human Geo we got our tests back. I got an 88% which I was very happy with. We went over the answers and discussed the test. I like how we do that because it gives us a better understanding on things we might not understand. When I had to find the birth rate, I got the answer wrong. I got confused because I thought that I was supposed to divide by ten, which we weren’t supposed to do. Also we talked about number 15 which asked if Canada, United States, or Mexico’s net migration rate was the highest. This question was the number that the most people got wrong. The answer was Canada, but I put United States. Our teacher explained to us why it was Canada and not the United States. Canada has a much better health policy then America does. If you are sick or injured you don’t need to have insurance, it is covered by the government. In America though, one of the first questions you get asked is do you have insurance and if you don’t you will get asked how you are going to be able to pay for whatever you need help with. Although, Canada’s tax is higher. To me personally, I don’t think that this is a good enough reason for me to ever want to move to Canada. I mean, it all evens out I think because your taxes would just be higher. After we finished going over the test, we started to talk about why our government is shut down, and then the bell rang. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Test and Kiva

Today, we took a human geo test. The test wasn't too hard. I think that I knew most of the answers. I got a little bit confused on the back part of the test though. I get cup and box pyramids mixed up. I feel like they look the same. I know that the cup is a developed country whose population is decreasing. I also know that a box pyramid is a developed country whose population is increasing. I just can't seem to tell the difference between the charts. After everyone had finished taking the test, we went a a website called This is a website where you can make loans to people who need money. The people will pay you back though. I think that it is a nice idea to offer people money. Although, I don't understand why people in America were on the website. For example, there was a girl who looked around 25 years old. It said that she needed money for photography supplies. I didn't think that that was a good reason to be on that website looking for loans.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Notes for Test

·         Crude Birth Rate: babies born per year by 1000
·         Crude Death Rate: people that die a year per 1000
·         Immigrant: someone who comes to ta country
·         Emigrant: someone who leaves a country
·         Net Migration Rate: number of people by 1000 coming into a country (immigrants-emigrants=)
·         Pull Forces: wants to come
·         Push Forces: want to leave
·         TFR (Total Fertility Rate): average number of children born per women. 2.1 is the replacement rate
·         RNI (Rate of Natural Increase): Birth-death/10
·         Population Pyramid: graphical illustration that gives information about a population. Its broken down by age, men on the left and women on the right.
·         Women live longer:
-          Take more care of themselves
-          Not as many in war
-          Men have more dangerous jobs

-          Women are healthier  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More about Population Pyramid

Today in Human Geo, we went over our tests from “God Grew Tired of Us.” I got a 57 out of 60. I thought that the refugee camp was run by the United States, but it was really run by the United Nations. After we finished going over the tests, we continued to learn about “Population Pyramid.” We learned about how Ann Arbor Michigan has lots of 2024 year old. The reason for this is because of the college. Manhattan, New York has lots of working aged people and very few children in their Population Pyramid. The reason for this is because most people who live there are very focused on their jobs. Also if this is a very job oriented place, then it isn't a very good place to raise a family. I think that it was very cool learning about the Population Pyramid of different places in the USA. I wonder what Maryland’s Population Pyramid looks like!  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Population Pyramids

·         Population Pyramids: analyze growth (or decline), of fertility, morality, and migration in cities
      ·         Measured in 5 year increments

·         Bottom line: can be percentage of a number

-Shows percentage or number of a population

·         20-64 is the money making group. Above is the oldies and below is the kids

·         3 Basic Shapes

-          The Christmas tree

-          The Box

-          The Cup

·         The Christmas Tree:

-          Developing nation

-          Slow growth rate

-          High birth rate

-          Short life expectancy

-          Ex: Namibia/Bangladesh

·         The Box:

-          Developed nation

-          Slow growth

-          Low infant mortality

-          Slow population growth

-          Long life expectancy

-          Ex: Sweden and USA

·         The Cup: Developed nation

·         Negative growth

·         Low birth rate

·         Shrinking population

·         Long life expectancy

·         Ex: Italy and Japan

Sunday, October 6, 2013

End of "God Grew Tired of Us"

 ·         Panther:
       ·         Wants girlfriend to come to USA
       ·         he has to pay off expensive bills
       ·         Goes back to Africa and gets married
       ·         Gets bachelor’s degree in economics
       ·         Opens a school in Africa
       ·         Jon:
       ·         Talked to mom on the phone
       ·         Went to Arizona
       ·         Secretary of a foundation
       ·         Raise money
       ·         Going to be reunited with his mother after 17 years
       ·         His mom was so happy to see him. She fell to the ground and was crying and screaming. 
       ·         Supports family in Africa and Syracuse
       ·         Bachelor’s degree at Syracuse University
       ·         Non-profit organization founder
       ·          In Duk, Sudan he started a medical clinic
       ·         Daniel:
       ·         Continues to live in Pittsburgh
       ·         Job Corps
       ·         Taking community college classes
       ·         Hasn’t located any family members

Thursday, October 3, 2013

More on the Documentary

·         We continued to watch “God Grew Tired of Us” today
      ·         Panther got a job to work as a waiter in a fancy hotel
      ·         Another one of the boys had work three different jobs
      ·         One of them had to move out to go and live at a dorm where he was able to receive an education and have a job
      ·         Another one of the boys went to community college
      ·         Jon sent letters out to the Red Cross in hopes to hear back from his family
      ·         Found out that mom, dad, and sisters are alive.
      ·         Unfortunately they were all naked, sick, and hungry. They were at a refugee camp
      ·         The rest of his family was dead
      ·         One of the Lost Boys who came to America ran away. He became mental and was arrested and put into a mental hospital
       ·         Store merchants and people felt threatened by the boys so they weren’t allowed to travel in large groups anymore
      ·         Had a Lost Boys Reunion in Michigan. Some of the boys seemed to have forgotten who they were and were all “Americanized” now

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

More notes on documentary

1.      Confused on plane

a.      Ate butter/napkins

b.      Didn’t know how to use the bathroom

2.      Arrived in NYC

3.      Daniel and Panther:

a.      Got to Pittsburgh

b.      Learned how to use electricity

c.      Refrigerator

d.      Ate chips

e.      Learned how to use a trash can

f.       Learned what and how to use the shower and toilet

g.      Went to grocery store:

a.      Tried a donut

b.      Learned how to find things

c.      Learned what you and make with broccoli

4.      Syracuse New York

a.      Tried to make a meal but chopping Ritz crackers up and poured milk in it and mixed it

b.      Ate with their fingers

c.      One of the guys, when he was 13, his job on the road was to bury the boys that passed away. They thought that since he was the tallest that he was the most mature

d.      He thought that God had grow tired of them (That’s how they got the title of the documentary)

e.      Had to get social security cards and VISA

5.      Had three months of federal help and then they were expected to make it on their own

a.      Had to get job, make a living, and pay the USA back for everything

6.      Didn’t understand our way of celebrating Christmas

a.      Santa Claus and Christmas Trees