Friday, October 11, 2013

Test and Kiva

Today, we took a human geo test. The test wasn't too hard. I think that I knew most of the answers. I got a little bit confused on the back part of the test though. I get cup and box pyramids mixed up. I feel like they look the same. I know that the cup is a developed country whose population is decreasing. I also know that a box pyramid is a developed country whose population is increasing. I just can't seem to tell the difference between the charts. After everyone had finished taking the test, we went a a website called This is a website where you can make loans to people who need money. The people will pay you back though. I think that it is a nice idea to offer people money. Although, I don't understand why people in America were on the website. For example, there was a girl who looked around 25 years old. It said that she needed money for photography supplies. I didn't think that that was a good reason to be on that website looking for loans.

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