Sunday, October 6, 2013

End of "God Grew Tired of Us"

 ·         Panther:
       ·         Wants girlfriend to come to USA
       ·         he has to pay off expensive bills
       ·         Goes back to Africa and gets married
       ·         Gets bachelor’s degree in economics
       ·         Opens a school in Africa
       ·         Jon:
       ·         Talked to mom on the phone
       ·         Went to Arizona
       ·         Secretary of a foundation
       ·         Raise money
       ·         Going to be reunited with his mother after 17 years
       ·         His mom was so happy to see him. She fell to the ground and was crying and screaming. 
       ·         Supports family in Africa and Syracuse
       ·         Bachelor’s degree at Syracuse University
       ·         Non-profit organization founder
       ·          In Duk, Sudan he started a medical clinic
       ·         Daniel:
       ·         Continues to live in Pittsburgh
       ·         Job Corps
       ·         Taking community college classes
       ·         Hasn’t located any family members

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