Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Notes on Religions

-          Islam is a monotheistic which is belief in a god or gods
-          Abrahamic religion
-          Qur’an is their Bible
-          Called Muslims
-          Most are located in the Middle East
-          Don’t eat pork
-          Belief is that God is the one, and they need to love and serve him
-          Believed that Islam is the universal version of faith was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, and Moses
-          Think Jesus is just a prophet
-       Allah: the one and only god who should be worship and obeyed
-          Supposed to be perfect
-          No one shares divinity with Allah
-          Never sleeps
-          Humans aren’t created in Allah’s image

-          Can ask Allah for anything
       5 Pillars 
       Every male Muslim is supposed to go to Mecca once in their lifetime
 j     Hajj means pilgrimage, which is the process of becoming Islamic
       They sacrifice a sheep and share it and then cut off their hair 
J      Different groups of Christianity (ex: Baptist, Protestant, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, etc.)
j       50.1% of Christians are Catholic 
        2.8 billion Christians in the world (Third of the worlds population)
d      Believe Jesus is the Son of God and he is fully human and fully divine 
        Emerged in the Levant in the mid 1st century 
         Is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 
fj      6% of the worlds population
        Most Asian countries practice this religion


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