Thursday, October 17, 2013

Population Quiz Talk

Today in Human Geo we got our tests back. I got an 88% which I was very happy with. We went over the answers and discussed the test. I like how we do that because it gives us a better understanding on things we might not understand. When I had to find the birth rate, I got the answer wrong. I got confused because I thought that I was supposed to divide by ten, which we weren’t supposed to do. Also we talked about number 15 which asked if Canada, United States, or Mexico’s net migration rate was the highest. This question was the number that the most people got wrong. The answer was Canada, but I put United States. Our teacher explained to us why it was Canada and not the United States. Canada has a much better health policy then America does. If you are sick or injured you don’t need to have insurance, it is covered by the government. In America though, one of the first questions you get asked is do you have insurance and if you don’t you will get asked how you are going to be able to pay for whatever you need help with. Although, Canada’s tax is higher. To me personally, I don’t think that this is a good enough reason for me to ever want to move to Canada. I mean, it all evens out I think because your taxes would just be higher. After we finished going over the test, we started to talk about why our government is shut down, and then the bell rang. 

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