Thursday, October 10, 2013

Notes for Test

·         Crude Birth Rate: babies born per year by 1000
·         Crude Death Rate: people that die a year per 1000
·         Immigrant: someone who comes to ta country
·         Emigrant: someone who leaves a country
·         Net Migration Rate: number of people by 1000 coming into a country (immigrants-emigrants=)
·         Pull Forces: wants to come
·         Push Forces: want to leave
·         TFR (Total Fertility Rate): average number of children born per women. 2.1 is the replacement rate
·         RNI (Rate of Natural Increase): Birth-death/10
·         Population Pyramid: graphical illustration that gives information about a population. Its broken down by age, men on the left and women on the right.
·         Women live longer:
-          Take more care of themselves
-          Not as many in war
-          Men have more dangerous jobs

-          Women are healthier  

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