Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us

1.            British Empire has had British colonies all over the world

a.            Africa

b.            America

c.             India-1997 declared independence

2.            Sudan

a.            Arab/Muslim (North)

b.            Christians/Animists (South)

3.            Ethnic Cleansing: getting your country so only your group is there

4.            Lost Boys:

a.            War started in 1983

b.            Panther Bior

c.             Some were invited to America

1.            Hard time Adjusting

2.            Older people went

d.            First refugee camp in Ethiopia it got closed down so they had to walk to Kakuma, Kenya. This was a US refugee camp.

e.            Population: 86,000 Sudanese

f.             Jon Bul Dau

g.            Daniel Abul Pach

h.            Civil War between North and South

i.              Survived with no food or water

j.             Survived lion and hyena attacks

k.            Lost boy went from 27,000 to 12,000

l.              Joseph and Panter were transferred to Pittsburgh (Best Friends)

m.           Boys made their own Parliament

n.            Jon, Daniel, and Panther left

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