Wednesday, October 2, 2013

More notes on documentary

1.      Confused on plane

a.      Ate butter/napkins

b.      Didn’t know how to use the bathroom

2.      Arrived in NYC

3.      Daniel and Panther:

a.      Got to Pittsburgh

b.      Learned how to use electricity

c.      Refrigerator

d.      Ate chips

e.      Learned how to use a trash can

f.       Learned what and how to use the shower and toilet

g.      Went to grocery store:

a.      Tried a donut

b.      Learned how to find things

c.      Learned what you and make with broccoli

4.      Syracuse New York

a.      Tried to make a meal but chopping Ritz crackers up and poured milk in it and mixed it

b.      Ate with their fingers

c.      One of the guys, when he was 13, his job on the road was to bury the boys that passed away. They thought that since he was the tallest that he was the most mature

d.      He thought that God had grow tired of them (That’s how they got the title of the documentary)

e.      Had to get social security cards and VISA

5.      Had three months of federal help and then they were expected to make it on their own

a.      Had to get job, make a living, and pay the USA back for everything

6.      Didn’t understand our way of celebrating Christmas

a.      Santa Claus and Christmas Trees

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