Thursday, October 3, 2013

More on the Documentary

·         We continued to watch “God Grew Tired of Us” today
      ·         Panther got a job to work as a waiter in a fancy hotel
      ·         Another one of the boys had work three different jobs
      ·         One of them had to move out to go and live at a dorm where he was able to receive an education and have a job
      ·         Another one of the boys went to community college
      ·         Jon sent letters out to the Red Cross in hopes to hear back from his family
      ·         Found out that mom, dad, and sisters are alive.
      ·         Unfortunately they were all naked, sick, and hungry. They were at a refugee camp
      ·         The rest of his family was dead
      ·         One of the Lost Boys who came to America ran away. He became mental and was arrested and put into a mental hospital
       ·         Store merchants and people felt threatened by the boys so they weren’t allowed to travel in large groups anymore
      ·         Had a Lost Boys Reunion in Michigan. Some of the boys seemed to have forgotten who they were and were all “Americanized” now

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