Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More about Population Pyramid

Today in Human Geo, we went over our tests from “God Grew Tired of Us.” I got a 57 out of 60. I thought that the refugee camp was run by the United States, but it was really run by the United Nations. After we finished going over the tests, we continued to learn about “Population Pyramid.” We learned about how Ann Arbor Michigan has lots of 2024 year old. The reason for this is because of the college. Manhattan, New York has lots of working aged people and very few children in their Population Pyramid. The reason for this is because most people who live there are very focused on their jobs. Also if this is a very job oriented place, then it isn't a very good place to raise a family. I think that it was very cool learning about the Population Pyramid of different places in the USA. I wonder what Maryland’s Population Pyramid looks like!  

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